Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Final Workout of 2014!

As we end the 2014 year, and get ready to celebrate ...look back .... reflect .... ask yourself "did I go all out?"..... "Did I do what I wanted to do or accomplish?" 
Well whatever the answer is, guess what, it's a NEW YEAR! So make a plan.... Set a goal and STICK TO IT! Do whatever it takes... no matter what comes your way ... Keep moving Forward!

AF Happy 400's
4 exercises / 40 minutes / 400 reps

- Set up a timer to 2 minutes

- Perform each exercise for 2 minutes or 20 reps, Whichever comes first!
(you may do weighted pull ups, ring dips, box jumps and choose a decent weight for the Kettlebell Swings that WON'T sacrifice FORM!)

- If you complete 20 reps under 2 minutes, you can either keep going or use it as break until you move on to the next exercise

- KEEP MOVING!! You have 5 rounds that will total up to 40 minutes worth of time!
So choose wisely about your breaks because at the end your goal is to have completed 400 reps!

See in 2015! I'm ready for you......ARE YOU?


Coach Aragon

Sunday, December 14, 2014

5 Fruits easily available that improve your health!

There are tons of fruits out there! Many of which are only seasonal or just difficult to obtain. But here is the thing, we have fruits that are within our reach all year round, that can greatly improve our health by simply incorporating them into our daily nutrition. Here are 5 fruits that really pack a punch and should be a part of your day to day foods whether as a snack or even part of a meal.

#1-Wild Blueberries
·         What’s in it: high in fiber, manganese (important for bone development), Antioxidants, rich in anthocyanin
·         What are the Benefits:
o   Blueberries are a jam packed antioxidant Super Fruit! 
Pound per pound they contain more antioxidant volume than about 20 other different fruits 
o    A flavonoid in the blueberries called Anthocyanin, can help anti-aging
·         Where to find them:
o   Check your local Supermarket in the frozen fruit section
o   Doesn’t say “wild”? Check or feel the bag for small pea sized berries.

·         What’s in it: Thiamin, Folate, Potassium, Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C
·         What are the Benefits:
o   Scientifically proven to help fight a variety of cancers, which includes: skin, lung, breast, stomach and colon.
o   Oranges also help prevent Kidney Diseases, Lower Cholesterol, Boost Heart Health, Relieve Constipation, Regulate High Blood Pressure, and Alkalize the Body
o   BONUS – Orange PEEL: Save the orange peel, it helps to naturally beat gas, heartburn, vomiting and acidic eructation. Studies have also shown that orange peel can dissolve cholesterol and triglyceride.
·         Where to find them:
o   Check your local Supermarket in the fruit section

What’s in it: Fiber, Vitamin C, Potassium, Manganese, Vitamin B6
also Sucrose, fructose, and glucose (All Natural Sugars)
·         What are the Benefits:
o   Bananas are an instant source of energy! Studies have proven that just two bananas can provide enough energy to get you through a 90-minute High-intensity workout.
o   Bananas can help aid people that suffer from depression because of the tryptophan (a protein) that converts into serotonin in the body.
o   PMS? Bananas will help your control moods during PMS.
o   They are so powerful they can even help your body overcome or prevent: anemia, blood pressure, brain function, constipation, heartburn, morning sickness, hangovers, nerves, nervous system, and even ulcers. 
o   BONUS – Banana PEEL: Save the banana peel, it helps to fertilize plants, tenderize meat, and it can even polish leather and silver . Mosquito/insect bites/Rashes? Rub the inside of a banana peel to lower swelling and irritation.
·         Where to find them:
o   Check your local Supermarket in the fruit section

·         What’s in it: Dietary Fiber, Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol), Potassium, Copper, Vitamin C, Vitamin K
·         What are the Benefits:
o   Kiwis help you digest your meals with a protein-dissolving enzyme called actinidain.
o   Kiwi hair fibers helps bind and move toxins from your intestinal tract
o   Kiwi’s have a low glycemic index and are high in fiber which makes it a safe choice for diabetics.
o   They also provide protection against macular degeneration (vision loss).
o   High in Vitamin C content to boost up the body’s immune system
·         Where to find them:
o   Check your local Supermarket in the fruit section

(Yes, the Avocado is a fruit. It’s a single-seeded berry)
·         What’s in it: potassium, Vitamin K, Vitamin B9, vitamin B6, vitamin B5 vitamin C, and vitamin E.2’
·         What are the Benefits:
o   Avacados contain 35% more potassium than a banana
o   Studies have shown that avocados may help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of diabetes, stroke, and coronary artery disease
o   Due to being so high in fiber, they have great benefits for weight loss and metabolic health
o   “Eating Avocados Can Lower Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels”
o   The fats within the avocados help the absorption of nutrients from other plants
·         Where to find them:
o   Check your local Supermarket in the fruit section

Coach Aragon

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Spartan Race World Championships & Ultra Beast 2014

“Embrace It”

                The 2014 Vermont Spartan Race Beast/Ultra finally arrived and man, I have to tell you, it came with a FURY like no other. Over 10,000 Spartans from all over the globe came to see if they have what it takes to tame this unforgiving green-eyed Beast. The tents were up, the obstacles were built, and the course was ready. Were you?

Spartan Race Beast/Ultra over the last 3 years has been very consistent in keeping the course interesting and difficult. Every year is slightly tougher then the last which I love about Spartan Race. This year was no exception. 

·         Steep hellish uphill climbs – Check
·         Steep hellish downhill – Check
·         Walls – Check
·         Barbwire crawls – Check
·         Obstacles against uphills – Check
o   Pancake carry – Tire drag – Log carry – Tractor Pull
·         Sand bag carry – Triple CHECK!

Elites, Ultras and Open Racers can all agree….. the sang bag carry was the one obstacle nightmares are made of. If I were to describe this obstacle in one word it would have to be… F&% or #$&@ or #&*%... you get the point. Having done both Beast and Ultra last year (in the same weekend) there is always  one single moment when you think to yourself, “S%@# this really sucks”, well carrying two sand bags up a steep hill was this year’s moment.

Since I challenged myself in 2013 Vermont Beast, I decided to take on the Beast on Saturday and Ultra Beast on Sunday once again. Only this time I went in knowing I didn’t train nearly as hard as I did in 2013 and I was expecting a tougher course, but regardless I went for it. Saturday came, I prepared my waist belt with essential snacks and hydration needed to get me through the course and off I went. I climbed up the first hill….then the second…then an obstacle… then another climb up….and another until finally I reached the spear throw at the half-way point on Killington’s Summit. My pace felt great! I began to descend back down the mountain to whatever obstacle was up ahead. As I continued to go up and down the mountain until I got to the sandbag carry and had to go up a steep hill carrying the 60lb bag, it occurred to me Elites and Ultras racers must go up with two bags, 120lbs! I did the obstacle and went on with the rest of the 3.5 miles remaining. Saturday VT Beast ….DONE!

Sunday came, the day of Ultra Beast. My legs were still a bit shot from running the course the day before but I was here on a mission to take on this course again….TWICE! Once again had my pack (the bigger one now) filled with essential snacks and hydration needed to get me through the 30 mile course. Off I went again. I began to mentally shut off the little voices that always creep up…”you’re tired”…”you’re sore” …….”you’re not ready”, and switched them to “you are here to push yourself”…”You are here with a goal”. Up and down the mountain I went. When I reached the one obstacle I was dreading …..the double sandbag carry. This obstacle had racers braking down left and right (including myself). Foot by foot….. Inch by Inch I crawled up the mountain which felt like an eternity. At one point I thought to myself, “Crap! This is consuming a ton of time”. After 52 minutes, I went up and over with the two bags completing the obstacle. Quickly rehydrated and took off running again (How?  I don’t know) to make up some time. Finally, I made it through the first lap completing the Beast and passing the first check point. Went to bin stop (Ultra Racers leave a bin with food and supplies the night before) to eat and rehydrate as quickly as possible and keep moving onto lap 2 of the Ultra Beast.

Here we go, this was my third and final round of the beast, it was all or nothing! Pushing forward through this course a third time was beginning to take its toll on my legs, knees, ankles, arms, eyeballs, hair follicles, etc…. hahaha. 12hrs and 45 minutes later after my start time of 6:45am I was cut off at mile 24 of the Ultra. I was defeated by the Ultra Beast. No medal this year. Yeah, it’s not the happiest of feelings.

One truth remains, the pain of defeat whether physical or mental, it’s REAL and it SUCKS! Just saying the word “Defeat” can make you feel uneasy. However, being defeated can do one of two things for an individual, which I like to split up into two categories, the “Break You” category or the “Make You” category.

In the “Break You” category are those who didn’t make it (any race or event) and mope around depressed about how they didn’t make it. People under this category can be consumed by anger or sadness. Some will even feel they are entitled to something that wasn’t even earned or won. I have even heard a few say “I will never do this again.” It’s ok to feel upset about losing after an event. IT SUCKS! Point blank! Now, I am not going to say it’s ok to accept defeat, but I will say, “Accept that defeat has happened.” Michael Jordan, known as one of the greatest basketball players of all time understood it best.

This quote brings me to the “Make You” category. People in this category are fueled by defeat and use it as a learning experience. As a coach, questions that go through my head are, “Did you train hard enough for this?”, “Did you do everything possible to prepare for this?”, no matter the answer, people in this category always come back even stronger.

At the completion of the first lap of Ultra Beast we were given a choice, we can go towards the right to the finish line to collect a Beast Medal which would have given me my double Trifecta for 2014 or go on to the left and risk going home empty handed. By not finishing Ultra Beast I didn’t get my second Beast Medal, I didn’t get my Ultra Beast Medal, and I didn’t get my double Trifecta Medal. I made the choice to give it my all! By making this choice I am far happier knowing that I pushed myself no matter the outcome. We all come from different situations:

I’m a single mom, I work full-time, I don’t go the gym enough, my nutrition is slacking, I am over weight, I don’t run, I’m too old, the list goes on and on. People in the “Make You” category take defeat and use it as a tool to MAKE things happen. They will go back to the drawing board and see what changes need to be made in order to not be defeated again (this goes for anything in life as well).

Now, for all those who successfully completed the Beast, Ultra Beast, or even both …..Congratulations! You earned it! For those who didn’t make it, look back and ask yourself which category do I want to be a part of? There are 364 days until the next Beast/Ultra, what are you going to do with this time?

Coach Jonathan ARAGON

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Hello, New York & New Jersey!

Sports Authority Paramus, NJ at the Garden State Plaza is having their Grand Reopening July 12, 2014 and you won’t want to miss it.   The event begins at 8AM so get there early and enjoy some great prizes. The first 250 customers will have a chance to win up to $500 in mystery bucks, and everyone will have a chance to win $100 gift cards or even a $500 shopping spree.  This is an event you will be able to enjoy with the entire family so don’t forget to bring the kids. Meet Jason Pierre Paul of the New York Giants, enjoy the live DJ, photo-booth, face-painting, balloon artist and more…See you there!

Don’t forget to print the attached flier and enjoy a $10 off your order of $30 or more.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

TRUEFORM RUNNER by Samsara Fitness

I recently came across this fantastic product at the Reebok Invitational Spartan Race held April 27, 2014.  Although quite tired after racing the course, I could not resist, but give this puppy a try.  Check me out here:

Awesomeness!  That is the perfect word to describe this innovative way to run in the comfort of your own home or gym space. The new Trueform Runner is a treadmill that provides the fitness enthusiast with a new state of the art product where they feel as if they were running outside.   Since you can change the belt or get the belt of your choice to simulate a particular terrain you will always feel as if you were running on new grounds. Additionally, since you are running on a different type of treadmill structure as a whole, your body and breathing will also feel the difference and at the same time it will help the runner run properly. What I mean by that is that, if you don’t have a proper running stance you will need to work harder, the better the stance the better the run. Actually, for a more thorough description of this fantastic treadmill, I’ll just let you hear it for from Jeff Vernon.

If you want to give one of these babies a try or want to be one of the first to own one, you can contact them here.

Coach Aragon

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Spartan Race 300 Workout Tour - Randall's Island NY, NY

What a kickass experience this weekend was, surrounded by hundreds upon hundreds of fellow Spartans at Randall's Island (NY, NY). This past Saturday on March 22, 2014, alongside Don Devaney, I got to be part of what many would consider, a life-changing event, the Spartan Race 300 Workout Tour. The Spartan Race 300 workout tour is lead by Don Devaney, which will be reaching cities all over the country...
Look for your city here ( 

The workout tour is a free event that consists of a Spartan based workout routine with the simple goal of testing your limits and getting individuals motivated to get off the couch and find out that they are capable of much more than they give themselves credit for. Hundreds showed up to test their limits and found out that they can conquer anything when they put their minds to it. They were left having experienced not only a great workout, but gaining a lifetime of motivating advice from Don Devaney that will help guide them in conquering the next challenge in their lives.

As for me, not only did I get to be a part of this event as the Spartan Street Team Leader, but I was also granted by Don the opportunity to lead the crowd in a Spartan Group X workout. As a Certified Spartan Group X Coach, I was honored for this opportunity because it gave the chance to share with hundreds of Spartans a taste of Aragon’s Spartan Group X Training. 

For more info on when or where NJ Spartan Group X classes are going to be held check us out at (

See you at the Finish Line! AROO!

Photography by Michael Chan
Video clips by Ramon Antonio Frias


Friday, March 21, 2014

Super Powered Oatmeal

I came across this awesome Refrigerated Oatmeal breakfast/snack idea that I couldn't resist to share with you all.  Mainly because, as a Spartan athlete I tend to burn a crazy load of calories and this snack for me is just remarkable.  It replenishes my body with important nutrients and fills my hunger void with good calories. 

I have already made various flavors and I love them all.  The most recent one I made is the Apple Cinnamon flavor.  To give you an idea of the nutritional value of this snack here is a breakdown of the cinnamon flavor one.  Mix the following ingredients in a 16 to 18 oz. glass jar and refrigerate for 24-48 hours.  The oatmeal and chia seeds will absorb all of the liquid and expand.  Make several jars (could be different flavors) for on the go breakfast or snack time.

Refrigerated Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
Essential Ingredients
½ cup of dry oatmeal
lower risk of: high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease
½ cup of 1% or Fat Free milk
good sources of nutrients: protein, calcium, vitamin D
60 - 65
4oz of Plain Greek Yogurt
contains good-for-you bacteria & loaded with vitamins
2 tbsp. of Chia Seeds
boosts energy, stabilizes blood sugar, aids digestion, and lowers cholesterol
Ingredients that can change

3 tbsp. of unsweetened applesauce
Dietary fiber keeps your digestive system functioning regularly
½ tsp. of powder cinnamon
Can control blood sugar, powerful anti-bacterial against stomach bug
1 tsp. of brown sugar
more natural state sugar that is not enriched with industrial additives
½ tsp. of vanilla extract
sexual stimulant, alleviates anxiety, high levels of antioxidants


There are tons of creative ways to make this breakfast/snack oatmeal by modifying the “Ingredients that can change.” You can do so by adding your favorite fresh cut fruits, sweeteners, chocolate ect.  When I say sweeteners or chocolate try to stay away from the really processed stuff; use ingredients such as honey, agave, molasses, brown sugar or dark chocolate, vanilla extract, almond extract or maple syrup, just to name a few.  You can really have fun with these by playing with the fruits and sweeteners.   See more flavors here.

As you can see this recipe includes Chia Seeds which is an essential ingredient to this recipe.  Here are some additional benefits of Chia seeds which I have extracted from the original article which you can find here:

  • have more Omega 3 fatty acids than flax seed (important for heart health)
  • are the richest non-marine whole food source of Omega-3 (better than salmon)
  • absorb 10 times their weight in water and transform into a gel-like substance--great for athletes for maintaining hydration and helps with weight loss by making you feel full longer
  • are as high in protein as quinoa
  • are loaded with calcium, potassium, Vitamin B, and anti-oxidants
  • help balance blood sugar via the gelling action of the seed and it’s unique combination of soluble and insoluble fiber that slow down your body’s conversion of starches into sugars 
  • have a neutral taste so they will take on the other flavors in a recipe
  • can be eaten whole (unlike flax seed); they don't have to be ground before adding them to food in order to digest them and benefit from their nutrients
  • have a two year shelf life, stored at room temperature (flax seeds quickly become rancid and lose their nutritional value)

I hope you enjoy this delightful recipe as much as I do!  Stay active and nourish your body well!

Jonathan Aragon & Karintia De Jesus

Sunday, March 9, 2014

SPARTAN UP with Joe De Sena

Use Discount Code at checkout: STFU08
Dear Spartan,
Spartan Up!: A Take-No-Prisoners Guide to Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Peak Performance in Life

That's right folks, Joe De Sena, the person that fueled the creation of Spartan Race is now releasing his spartan wisdom and knowledge to the rest of the world. This is absolutely a book to check out. With it's real life take on it, this book is sure to touch many lives.

Place at least one order today! By doing so, not only will you be getting a great deal but you will also be aiding me to achieve my quota to get some Reebok gear to compete with this year! 

Reasons WHY to Pre-Order your copy before April 29th:
- FREE EXCLUSIVE "Spartan UP" T-Shirt 
- HELP ME achieve my goal by purchasing at least one copy

You will be among the first to get this incredibly LIFE motivating book!
On top of that, by HELPING yourself, you help a fellow Spartan as well.

Click the link Below:
Use Discount Code at checkout: STFU08